Customize your plan with all the extras that fit your lifestyle and enhance your mobile experience.
Not all Add-Ons available for all plans. Existing customers log-in to see what is available to you.
Wi-Fi when you need it most. Turn your phone into a high-speed access point and draw from your plan's high speed data allotment. Set it up today in the Boost Mobile App, online, or by contacting Customer Care.
Data Packs give you high-speed data in a pinch. Data Packs come as a monthly recurring extra. Available in 10GB allotments.
Get your voicemail messages transcribed to text (Available for English and Spanish messages), and gain greater control over how you manage your voicemail on Android devices.
Stay connected from the U.S. to the people you love, all around the world. Enjoy talk and text to over 200 destinations.
Family and friends in Canada or Mexico? Stay in touch with unlimited talk & text and 5GB of data while roaming in Canada and Mexico.
Stay in touch with friends and family back home while traveling abroad. Take advantage of our introductory price of just $20/mo. That's less than $1/day!
Our comprehensive phone protection program designed to cover you in the event of theft, damage or loss. Give yourself peace of mind by protecting what you can't live without.
Boost Family Guard is a parental control app with location sharing, allowing parents to track their children's devices, see their location history, establish safety zones, and regulate screen time.
Boost Secure Connect is your all-in-one solution to safeguard your data, protect your privacy, and ensure uninterrupted connectivity.
Unlimited Gamez is a cloud-based game service with hundreds of ad-free hyper-casual games that are optimized for smart devices on any network.
Juega Ya is a Spanish cloud-based game service with hundreds of ad-free hyper-casual games that are optimized for smart devices on any network.
Watch ad-free shows your kid loves and promote healthy mental and social development.
Play educational games that make learning fun for kids. No ads or in - app purchases.